NPQ Funding

NPQ Funding Information

Scholarship funding will continue to be available to teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and 16 to 19 educational organisations for the following NPQs: 
  • NPQ in Leading Primary Mathematics (NPQLPM)
  • NPQ in Headship (NPQH

For the wider suite of NPQs for Spring 2025, limited funded places will be available to teachers and leaders from:
  • Schools: the top 50% of state-funded schools in England that have the highest proportion of students attracting pupil premium, as set out in the eligibility lists
  • 16-19 settings: the top 50% of state funded settings in England that have the highest proportion of students eligible for disadvantage funding 
  • For the early years leadership NPQ, highly disadvantaged early years settings will also be eligible.


Eligibility lists for the spring cohort will be made available in early 2025. Where there is high demand, a screening process will be followed to ensure funded places are distributed equitably and fairly.

Funding is applied for through the DfE’s registration process/portal. The DfE portal is expected to open in February 2025.


The costs for those not able to access a funded place have been provided by Teach First below.