Health and Wellbeing

Supporting Health and Wellbeing in Lincolnshire Schools

Food education and healthy lifestyles are both critical factors in the current world of education. Washingborough Academy Lincolnshire has been recognised as a pioneer with regards to this aspect of the Curriculum, giving pupils a fundamental understanding of health, food awareness and the food choices that they make.  The Teaching School Hub is proud to work closely with Washingborough Academy to share this case study for other schools in the region who may be interested in finding out more. 

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What is TastEd?

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Hear more from Jason O'Rourke the Headteacher talking about TastEd:

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Sensory food education

Childhood Obesity Plan

A further case study in relation to the Childhood Obesity Plan can be found here:

National Food Strategy

The national food strategy document can be found attached. Within this, TastEd has been recommended- see p.8.